
Oftentimes, power is masqueraded as love. Whether it is a parent imposing their wish on a child or a partner influencing the choice of spouse, we can observe a subtle soft power-based imposition rather than a sweet love. Because love calls for unconditional freedom which is usually robbed away when a free choice is violated by people who claim to shower affection.


Closeness is always dangerous and threatening for people. The fantasies, mirages, and appearances that they created will falter and break away when there is less gap. That’s why we are scared of love and avoid intimacy with friends and partners. And being distant from everybody, for this reason, calls for an inauthentic living, lies, and fake lifestyles. This eventually creates a distance within yourself with yourself and alienates you from a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Being tightly knitted is chilling but it is honest and perhaps simple.